Is a hostile take over possible? I do think that all these lawsuits due to policies of the GB the organization is ripe for a take over hostile to the currant GB arrangement, because these guys are dumb as rocks and lets not forget about delusional in their Faithful & Discreet Slave fantasy. How much longer are corporation members going to let these drunk with power, delusional fanatics gonna be in charge?
Nonprofit takeovers can occur anytime factions develop within a nonprofit. Sometimes incumbent board members are removed in favor of new board members with a different policy agenda. In other cases, a donor or charismatic leader convinces a majority of the board to take the organization in a drastic new direction.
Struggles for control of nonprofits are common and are reported in the media from time to time. One such case includes the well publicized struggles at the Sierra Club. In the Sierra Club dispute, a faction developed that supported an anti-immigration agenda offensive to many of the Sierra Club’s longtime supporters and allies. The anti-immigrant faction encouraged its supporters to send in their $25 dues payment so that they could gain the right to vote at the annual meeting. In the end, the incumbents were successful in fending off the takeover attack. The Sierra Club case was unusually high profile; however, similar scenarios regularly play out in nonprofit boardrooms across the country.